The actions showcased here will allow you to create all kinds of different types of effects for your photos from matte and film looks, to vintage effects, to stunning black & white conversions, and even HDR. With that in mind, this post showcases 50 different actions and action sets that are available for free. There are countless actions available that can be purchased or downloaded for free, but finding the best quality free actions can take quite some time. Photoshop actions are useful for quickly completing repetitive tasks, like performing the same steps to achieve a specific type of photo effect. Photoshop brings endless potential for photo editing, and one of the best ways to make use of Photoshop’s capabilities is to use actions. In your client projects, you may receive photos that need to be touched up, or you may be a photographer yourself. Most designers and photographers spend many hours in Photoshop, whether it be for designing or editing photos. |By Ensegna ThemesThis post was originally published here.